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Hello! I would like to share with you a little bit about The Fairytale Club! You are probably wondering, “what exactly is The Fairytale Club?”...well basically, it is my dream come true – a papercrafting membership club where planners and scrapbookers can create beautiful things and be creative and inspired and work with a new, magical collection every couple months or so!

Each collection is inspired by fairytales (fairytale characters, fairytale movies, fairytale imagery, and fairytale ideals). Every collection is filled with inspirational goodies that are meant to speak to the creative heart and the mind and imagination of those who believe in rainbows and unicorns and wishes made on stars! The Club is made to encourage its members to believe in themselves and to write their own “happily ever afters” (whether that be through their planning or their memory keeping, or both). 

For purchasing, the collections are divided into three different kit options.  Each option includes the same embellishments -- die cuts, stickers, flair buttons, acrylic pieces, etc.  -- which may vary slightly depending on the collection, and then, when you begin a subscription, you get to choose between the scrapbook option with 12x12 papers, the planner kit with planner dividers (in your choice of A5 or Personal size), or the “happily ever after kit” that includes everything in the collection that month! You choose which kit you like and also whether you want to do a one-time purchase, a six-kit subscription, or a twelve-kit subscription, with there being more of a discount per kit the longer your subscription.  You can also purchase the embellishments and the paper separately.

Whatever you decide to do, whether you subscribe or just purchase once, you are part of a club that is all about the magic and the whimsy of fairytales, being kind and supportive, making you feel good about yourself, and making your creative dreams come true! I really hope you will be a part of the club and that you enjoy your fairytale adventure here with me! Our newest collection, now available to begin your subscription or make a one-time purchase, is called “Magica Mystica.” Get your kit today!


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