What happened at the Capitol?! | Free Printable

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Hello there! Not sure where to begin. As we all know, 2020 was rough...and well, here we are not even a couple weeks into 2021, and it's also not going so well. Personally, I have been struggling with my CRPS condition, so the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 have mostly consisted of me just lying in bed screaming, trying not to move and passing out from the pain...and I'm sadly not exaggerating. Subsequently, though, Ryan and I decided, or more so, my body decided for us, that we needed a break from work and things like social media. We were trying to take it easy as much as possible and trying to get my body, and particularly my nerves, to chill out! It is quite stressful, too, around here, I'm not gonna lie. Being in pain all the time can definitely elevate one’s stress, and, like all of us, I have also been dealing with the stress of the pandemic. This is all to say, that, like many of us, as I was heading into the new year, I had a lot of hope that things would become less stressful and more, you know, normal, I guess. Not just for me personally, but around the world...and then it was January 6th...and we all know what happened.

Or do we?...because seriously guys, I have been thinking about it for almost a week now, and part of me is still just like "wait...what?...what happened?!!!!...no really, wtf just happened?!!!!". And I don't mean it in a surprised way...because I am not surprised. Very, very sad to say, I am not surprised at all. However, I am shocked! And I think a lot of us feel that way, from what I have seen, now that I am back checking out social media more and back online more...most of us seem to feel that sense of shocked-but-not-surprised...and isn't that a tragedy in and of itself! I am heartbroken at the events of 1/6/2021 at our nation's capitol! To summarize it...we were attacked...our country, our government, our democracy, was attacked...by our own! It is definitely "a day that will live in infamy", historically up there on the list of tragic attacks on American soil, along with Pearl Harbor and 9/11. And the fact that this was domestic terrorism...that the biggest threat to our country now comes from within our own country...I mean, how did we get here?! And what is going to happen next?! I hope that our country can move forward and heal and that this instance of insurrection does not lead to more...another civil war...God forbid!

It's so hard to type this all right now...it feels like the world is upside down. And I am just here, in bed, watching the craziness unfold on tv. And I am in so much pain, so much pain physically because of my CRPS, but that physical pain is now mixed with the mental and emotional distress and heartbreak and yes, a new special kind of pain that comes from realizing that I live in a time when fellow Americans are so lost that they will attack their own government and try to destroy their own democracy, when the confederate flag was waved inside the house of Congress (that didn't even happen during the civil war), that I live in a time when (some) police will take selfies with traitors and invite them in and join the riot, when the president of the United States incited insurrection! And then there is the response to what happened...the huuuuuge gap between what happens when white people riot versus what happens when black people peacefully protest...that is just a whole other thing that is breaking my heart right now, too!

And so what do I do? What do I do with all that?...what do any of us do with all that? What kind of pill do I take to lessen that pain...that emotional and mental and soul shattering pain that comes from the knowledge that some people are just so filled with hate they want to watch the world burn....and then they deny that it happened and blame it on ANTIFA! Well, I don't know, folks. But above is a free printable I made. I had to try and draw my feelings about all this, and I do plan on putting together a scrapbook about the crazy ups and downs of 2020 and 2021 so...yeah...if you want to do the same...if you need some art to look at and maybe scrap and document how you feel, here is a free printable. Hugs to you all! I know we will get through all this somehow! And despite everything, I do believe in the goodness of people...perhaps some people are just very lost right now. Let us all pray for a brighter future - really, really soon please - and also for a return to truth and common sense and decency and justice and, well, the American way! I do believe in the ability of America and everyday Americans to persevere and overcome, and I have faith in my God that we will get through this storm. Stay safe everyone!!!! Huuuuugs and Prayers and Happy Thoughts go out to each one of you during this difficult time here in America and on planet earth!!!!!