A New Day - Be The Light | Free Printable

Hi! Feeling like we are all on a new, brighter path! Things have been so hard these last four years, and especially this last year...I know we are, in fact, still all struggling through this crazy, awful Pandemic, but I do believe things will get better! And I was so inspired by the words of Amanda Gorman at the inauguration! So I wanted to share with you this free printable I made. We just need to remember this...things may be tough right now, but we can do hard things, we can get through and overcome! We can see the light in the darkness, not just that, we can be the light that shines bright in spite of the darkness - for others as well as for ourselves!!! Stay strong everyone! Be safe! And walk in the light of a new day of hope for a brighter tomorrow! In fact, you be that light! Be the biggest, brightest light of hope you possibly can be!!!!!! Huuuugs everyone!!!!!

To download, left-click the image, then right-click and select “Save Image As…” to save the file to your computer.