I'm still here! | Holidaily Scrapbooking

Oh, hello! I’m still here! Sorry we’ve been MIA for a while now...just haven’t been doing so great - my CRPS has been real bad lately, in a lot, a lot of pain, and, so, stuck in bed a lot and haven’t been able to do much since I am trying not to move most days, as even slight movements have been tough. I was doing better the other day a bit and did get to do some scrapbooking with Ry and our puppy Pastel, and that was lovely, so here are some pics of us all working together to try and get some more done in my Holidaily album.


Huuugs, everyone!!! Hope you are well!!! And stay hopeful! I know 2020 was hard and 2021 is not getting off to a great start, but we all just need to hang in there! Anyhow, I do have some more posts coming soon! So stay tuned!